The Last Round
I thought there was plenty of more time to stretch my mind and absorb more knowledge and wisdom before embarking on the strenuous journey. Its funny how the clock ticks slow but consistently signaling the end with every moment that passes. Should I prepare for the starting line or just go straight to the finish.
This game has no parameters and the rules keep changing as I evolve my different relationships. One day am the follower and the next, the leader. A transition that very few successfully get through during the course of life. Why do I get the feeling that I have been set up by my dear FATHER without even the least bit of warning.
It was spoken to me a decade ago that this season will come to pass. The message excited me but alas reality was quite disorienting to say the least. I never thought that I would get to a point where those that I admired would in turn look up to me. A privilege it should be but far from it, it has turned out to be a great responsibility for me.
I am given the chance to go one last round before embarking on destiny. This round is awkward yet my mind continues to adapt almost effortlessly to the new state of functionality leaving as my body screams loudly for familiarity. For a moment I thought that I had ignored the warning signs even though quite frankly everybody does at some point because we are drawn to the wider path that leads to the abyss.
If it was not for this last round I don’t think I would be the least prepared for what lies ahead in this treacherous end times we live in.
My muscles are soar as my heart pumps faster to complete the final leap into the life of bliss. Bliss, not because all is easy but bliss because all is pre-determined by my all knowing MASTER. I feel cheated of life but then again this deception predicates the Judas that was necessary to bring forth the crucifiction as we have read and heard about it. What a way to experience life away from disturbances of today’s world as we know it, instead be led by the ONE who created all things in existence.
The last round is always difficult to complete as one contemplates what is to happen next ; when actually that is a question already answered through the good book. Hail to the king of kings for being the first one to complete the circle as we follow from behind charged by his example.
Please join me in spirit as I embark on the last round.